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3 Festivals for 2024

Recordings summer 2024 6

Digital Pass

DBF Digital Pass: Summer 2024

Thursday 30 May | One pass to watch 14 events

£30 Venue: Digital Pass

Our Digital Pass enables you to watch recordings of 13 events filmed at venues across the Festival. You will receive the links giving you access to our YouTube channel after the end of the Festival and they will be available to view for a period of six weeks* from Saturday 8 June to Saturday 20 July. The Pass gives you unlimited access to all the recorded events. Please do not share the link.

  • Polly Toynbee: An Uneasy Inheritance
  • The Countess of Carnarvon: The Earl and the Pharaoh
  • Francis Spufford: Cahokia Jazz
  • Emma Tarlo: Under the Hornbeams
  • Christine Kenyon-Jones: Jane Austen and Lord Byron
  • James O’Brien: How They Broke Britain
  • Abigail Dean: Day One
  • Helen Mort and Sarah Lister: Celebrating Kinder Scout
  • Wendy Moore: Jack and Eve
  • Mick Conefrey: Fallen – George Mallory and the 1924 Everest Tragedy
  • Patrick Grant: Less: A Life in Fashion and How We Save the World with Clothes
  • Arthur Parkinson: Chicken Boy/ Planting a Paradise
  • Sunjeev Sahota: The Spoiled Heart